I believe we all are connected on some level and I know that life is a neverending learning process, even though it would be nice to skip some lessons but as Albert Camus says „there is no sun without shadow and it is essential to know the night’. It is essential because we learn and grow through pain, as this quote says: „sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because most of life’s greatest lessons are learned through pain” As I said earlier it would have been easier to avoid some pain or sadness but without those experiences I wouldn’t be the person I am today so I thank all those who were the shadow in my life, teaching some very important lesson and helping me to become stronger. But more importantly I am grateful for those who brought the sun into my life and I cannot thank them enough. They brought sunshine in different ways but every way is special and greatly appreciated so this blog is for you. THANK YOU for be...