The first part of my blog’s name does not need explanation, I am a heart centered person with all its advantages and disadvantages, the second part refers (or at least it was my intention) to nutrition and health, which is an important part of my blog’s topics.

I have been interested in health, nutrition, psychology, human emotions and feelings for more than 15 years, read hundreds of books, magazines, articles and although I have a degree in nutrition, still many things are unclear and so much more to learn.

Although there are hundreds of trends and diets to follow, forums to attend, information to read (from which quite many are controversial or too sophisticated to understand by everyone) still there are so many people, who have (sometimes serious) issues facing life challenges, having eating disorders or problems with alcohol or/and drugs.

For many years I thought I had belonged to the minority having issues from childhood but in recent years I met and saw so many people struggling and/or having unsolved issues.

I am well aware that eating, drinking or using any type of drug is not a solution or answer but I have big respect and empathy for those who are not finding other way to face their problems.

Some may think or say these people are weak and they deserve their problems but in my opinion it is just not true or right.

If we are lucky enough we have a friend or friends or family to talk to but many people don’t want or simply cannot talk about their problems and/or feelings.

There can be many reasons why someone is not able to talk and one can be fear. Fear of being judged, neglected or maybe abandoned.

Other reason is that there are cases when no solution is needed and people would like „just” to be listened to, without being judged or given advice.

As I realized there are many people who are just unable to listen but love giving advice, telling the „sure thing”.

I start my blog to the memory of Someone, a Man of merit who was one of the best person I have ever met and left this world half a year ago.

Although He achieved a lot of great things in life, travelled the world and was a fantastic musician and cook, He could not talk about his feelings, fears and concerns.

There were such sad happenings in life that He never could get over it and found comfort in drinking. No, He was not an alcoholic as some people described him but I believe drink helped him not to feel the constant pain and hole.

Sometimes love is not enough, support is not enough if there is a defense wall or fear or inability to open up and talk.

I know from my own experience how liberating an honest conversation can be, we „just” have to find the right person.

For many people who read my blog I am just a stranger, which is true but believe I could be the right person because I am a good listener and a great supporter and everyone deserves to be listened to and supported.

If there is anything you would like to talk about, I am here to listen.



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